Maintaining Practicing

What Is “Tapping”? And How Can It Help You?

Tapping therapy is a form of stress relief highly regarded within the world of alternative therapy. Utilizing the principles of acupressure and mindfulness, tapping – also sometimes referred to as “emotional freedom technique” or “EFT” – is suitable for all ages and is increasingly popular with young people who have anxiety and/or depression.

The History of Tapping

Tapping was developed by psychologist Roger Callahan in the 1970s. Callahan drew inspiration from the ancient practices of Chinese acupressure, where the aim is to relieve energy blockages within the body. The tapping system is based on the philosophy of bodies having twelve meridian rivers which help energy flow. As well as blockages, surges can also have an effect, which is why tapping aims to regulate energy flow.

In recent years tapping has gained in popularity with celebrities such as Whoopi Goldberg and Culture Club singer Boy George giving exposure to the alternative therapy.

What Are the Benefits of Tapping?

Tapping is often used as a strategy for coping with mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and stress but people who practice tapping have also found their general health has improved.  This could be because tapping has elements of meditation that are known to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, and which can positively impact the body and improve cardiac and gut health. Some advocate that it also alleviates the symptoms of conditions such as fibromyalgia.

One of the reasons tapping is gaining popularity is that it is a non-invasive form of therapy that can be done anywhere and doesn’t require expensive additional equipment. It can also be adapted for all age groups and abilities, meaning it is suitable for most people.

How to Get Started

The great news is anyone can learn how to use tapping therapy. If you are new to tapping, there are many websites to explore, some of which include tutorials. However, it can be useful to meet with an alternative therapist with experience in tapping, especially if you are just starting out on your tapping journey. Currently, the highest qualification in this specialism is “meta Tapping EFT certification”, so seek a therapist with this accreditation where possible.

As you discover more about tapping, you will learn how touching different points on your head, hand, and torso can affect your emotions and overall well-being.

Does It Work?

Like many alternative therapies, people respond differently to tapping. Some notice an immediate difference with a sense of calm descending on them, others find it makes little to no difference. Whether this is down to mindset, focus or technique is unknown, but for those who have benefitted from introducing tapping techniques to their care routine, it’s been life-changing.

If you are finding the weight of living too much, tapping could help. However, always speak to a healthcare professional if you feel you could be suffering from depression or anxiety. They may recommend medication or talking therapies alongside alternative therapies such as tapping.

-Katey Lovell


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