Maintaining Practicing

8 Helpful Reminders for a Crazy-Busy Season

It’s easy to get caught up in the emotional hurricane of the holidays. It’s hard not to feel sad, anxious or overwhelmed between the fear and uncertainties that come with a global pandemic, the immense pressures of Christmas shopping, and bouts of seasonal depression.  When the holiday season becomes too much to bear, here are 8 affirming quotes to help support you through it.

1. Don’t Stress Things You Can’t Control

The end of the year can be demanding, from Holiday shopping to meeting end-of-year deadlines. Because of this, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of your tasks and duties and set unrealistic expectations to meet them. Don’t forget: you’re only human and can only control but so much. When things inevitably go awry, as they so often do during the Holiday season, understand when things are beyond your control. Some examples of this are:

  • Traffic jams that make you late for work.
  • Shipping delays that disrupt your Christmas plans.
  • Long lines in stores and long hold times for customer service.
  • Gifts selling out online in a matter of minutes.
  • Internet server issues.

Please don’t punish yourself (or others) for these mishaps. Understand that we’re all victims of random life occurrences. In these moments, the best thing you can do is accept it and move on. Accept that nothing more can be done and find a way to sit with it. It may not solve your problem, but you’ll be a lot more at ease.

2. Your Best Is Enough

When you try your best, even if it doesn’t work out, find satisfaction in knowing that there’s nothing more you could have done. Whether you’re a secret Santa looking for a gift for a new coworker or preparing your first holiday feast, whatever you do, give it your all and walk away feeling at peace with the outcome. What else can you do? Sure, hindsight is 20/20, but if you show up in the moment and try your hardest, isn’t that all that really matters? When you’re kicking yourself about a mistake you made, ask yourself: is there anything more you could have done? All anyone could ask of you is that you try your best. Your best is enough.

3.  It’s OK To Say No

The month of December can be overwhelming. There’s this enormous pressure to tackle as much as you can before the year is over. If you feel yourself taking on more than you can handle or you’ve been asked to do something you know you don’t want to do, it’s ok to say no. Remember: this is your life. You’re in control. You get to decide what you open yourself up to, and you’re responsible for what you allow into your life. Have the courage to say no. It’s OK if you don’t want to. You’re free to make your own choices and can turn down anything you want, like that ugly sweater party you regret RSVPing to. Rejection doesn’t make you a bad person, just an honest one.

4. Don’t Forget To Love Yourself, Too!

Sure, the holidays are all about giving thanks and showing appreciation but don’t forget to love yourself, too! How are you supposed to spread love to others if you’re not loving yourself?  Make sure you’re dedicating time to your peace and happiness and not giving 100% of your energy to any person or thing; this is a recipe for burnout. Self-care can be as simple as a nightly bubble bath, a daily nature walk, or a 30-minute yoga routine. Spread all the love and cheer you’d like; just make sure you’re sparing some for yourself.

5. Make Time For Things That Matter

We spend so much time being productive that we forget to make time for the things that make us happy. With only a few moments left of 2021, ask yourself: what really matters to you? Where do you find your joy? Does your happiness lie in money, gifts, and bonuses, or is it something invaluable like your health, rest, friends, and family? Reflect on what truly matters to you and make space for it this holiday season.

6. You Don’t Need An Excuse To Be Happy

Your happiness doesn’t have to wait for the year to end, or for you to get the gift you wanted, or for you to finally receive the holiday bonus you’ve been hoping for. Find joy in the little things in life. Be happy with your good bill of health, being able to watch the sunset, or having a family to come home to. Every moment is sacred; be happy now because it’s all we have. The past happened already, and the future isn’t here yet, so if all we have is right now, then we might as well enjoy it. You don’t need an excuse to be happy. Be happy, now. There’s no time like the present.

7. You’re Not Alone

There’s comfort in knowing that you’re not alone in your suffering. Many people have a tough time during the holidays when depression is at an all-time high. Please remember that you’re not alone, your feelings matter, and there’s emotional support readily available anytime you need it. Whether you need comfort, kindness, or reassurance, here are some helpful resources for those who are in need:

8. You Are Seen, You Are Heard, You Are Appreciated

Everyone could use some validation. You’ve worked hard all year, weathering the storms of a rapidly changing society, and are doing the best you can to conjure the holiday spirit under these circumstances. If you’re looking for a sign that your efforts have not gone unnoticed, here it is: You are seen, heard, and appreciated. Thank you for all you do, and keep up the good work!

A small act of kindness, such as words of reassurance, can make a difference in someone’s (Holi)day. Allow these words of affirmation to be the inspiration you need to keep pushing forward. You got this!


Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) from Pexels

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