Be A Blessing, Get A Blessing
There are a million small ways to help a neighbor. These days, in particular, demand some extra kindness. And you get the benefit, too!
“Chatty Benches”: Have A Seat, Have A Chat
A bright yellow bench is a signal that someone is happy to have a chat with you. It’s a smart way to combat the isolation of these last years.
Create Community: 10 Great Local Ideas
Re-engaging with our community may feel a little weird right now. Here are some easy, fun ways to reconnect with your crew.
Does Kindness Create Happiness?
Being kind can make you happy. There’s actual scientific data around what seems to be obvious. So be nice, and reap the benefits!
Fitness Parks: A Playground for Adults
Fitness parks are a fun alternative to an indoor gym. You can get in shape, play like a kid, and get to know your neighbors at the same time.