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5 Clever Ways to Re-Use Tea Bags


Are you a regular tea drinker? If so, you may think about the waste of all those lovely herbs once you’ve finished sipping on your daily or nightly brew. But you’d be surprised what you can do with those used tea bags.

Tea bags have been used in a variety of ways over the years. And, by utilizing your leftovers, you can help eliminate waste and also save some money on beauty, household, and miscellaneous products.

Here are some of our favorite ways to put those once-dunked tea bags to work.

 Make A Face Scrub

You’ve probably heard of a “coffee scrub” to help energize your skin. Well, you can do the same thing with the herbs from your used tea bag. The natural granular consistency of the herbs works to exfoliate the skin, getting rid of dead skin cells and creating a smoother complexion. The particular makeup of tea — especially green tea — has been said to shrink pores and deliver a healthy glow. To make your own scrub, simply combine the herbs from the tea bag with a bit of honey; rub the mix onto your face, and reap the amazing skin benefits of this eco-friendly concoction.

Use Them In Your Garbage Cans

We all love the powerful sweet-spicy and calming aroma of a good herbal tea, which is why they work perfectly to help deodorize garbage cans. All you have to do is dry out your used tea bags and then drop a few of them at the bottom of your trash can. Put a plastic bag in your can as usual, and voila! The old tea bags will help neutralize the smell of your garbage.

Polish Wood In Your Home

Used tea bags can help make the wood in your home look fresh and polished. To do this, re-steep your used tea bags in some warm water. Then take a cloth or an old rag, whatever you have handy, dip it into the mixture, and go to work polishing your wooden tables, floors, and shelves.

Make An Air Freshener

Do you want an eco-friendly air freshener for your car or office? Then try using one of your old tea bags to save on the cost and go for a more “natural” scent. All you have to do is wait for your used tea bags to dry, then put a few drops of the essential oil of your choice onto the sachet. Your car will be smelling great in no time!

Use Them In A Bath

Tea has a lot of antioxidants which are great for the skin. Even after you’ve steeped tea once, there’s still a lot of power in those sachets. Take advantage of the leftovers and put a few used tea bags into your next bath. The antioxidants will make your skin feel super soft and smooth.

-Laurie Riihimaki

Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

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Laurie Riihimaki is a full-time freelance writer, editor, and busy-bee covering topics such as sex and relationships, holistic medicine and self-care, and career and personal development. Laurie's background and studies with theatre in Boston, London, and New York City have helped her to create a fun, comical voice that she utilizes in her writing. When she is not writing for work, Laurie puts time into developing novels, poetry, and personal essays. And when she isn't writing she is spending time directing, acting, painting, exploring nature, reading, or spending time with family and her dog, of course.

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