
A Dream Journal Can Solve Wide-Awake Problems

Dreams can be very telling. At first pass, you may think that’s a bunch of hooey, but think about it: our dreams come from our subconscious. It then makes sense that what we dream about can shed some helpful light on our deepest fears, worries, and problems.

“Dream interpretation” has been studied since the dawn of time. The Babylonians and Egyptians believed that dreams carried prophetic messages. Nowadays, this belief may not be quite as much a thing, but it’s hard to ignore the psychological ramifications of dreams. How can we take these messages and use them to solve the problems plaguing us in real-life? Here’s an easy guide.

Keep A Dream Journal

In order to accurately remember and analyze your dreams, write them down. Keeping a notebook next to your bed is the easiest way to record your thoughts upon waking. If you don’t typically remember your dreams, try holding still for a moment when you first awake — that helps capture an image, feeling, or more. Train yourself, and you’ll quickly find yourself recalling more and more.

There will be times when you think a dream is silly or insignificant, or you can only remember a wee bit of it. Whatever you can grab, jot it down. You may see the importance of it later.

Related: “Bullet Journaling: A Fresh Way To Sort Your Life”

Invest In A Dream Dictionary

After you write down your dream,  time to do a deeper dive into what it means. For this, you will need a dream dictionary (there are a lot of them out there, and they’re really interesting to flip through).

Dreams carry deep meaning through the use of symbols. For example, if you dream of a scary wolf, you may actually be dreaming of a fear you need to overcome. Not all symbols are self-explanatory; a dream dictionary will help in figuring out what your subconscious is trying to tell you.

Ask A Question Before Bed

If there’s a specific problem you’re struggling with, ask a question about it before you fall asleep. Some folks write the question down and put it under their pillow, which makes it a little more fun!

Another way to do this is by writing in a journal before bed. This will help get issues “off your brain” and bring up any unresolved stuff. Then shut your eyes and go to sleep; your subconscious will do the rest.

Keep A Regular Sleep Schedule

When actively trying to figure out problems through dream interpretation,  make sure you have a healthy, regular sleep schedule.

Also, keep your body happy, hydrated, and well-fed. This will help your body to sleep more restfully.

Trust Yourself

Throughout this whole process, it’s vital that you trust your gut. Your subconscious knows what you need and the journey you’ll have to take to get there.

Sure, it can be a little weird to work with information that isn’t strictly scientific, but you’ll be surprised at the ways that your nighttime journeys can help provide solid answers to what’s going on in your life. Give it a try (and sweet dreams….).

-Laurie Riihimaki

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash


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Laurie Riihimaki is a full-time freelance writer, editor, and busy-bee covering topics such as sex and relationships, holistic medicine and self-care, and career and personal development. Laurie's background and studies with theatre in Boston, London, and New York City have helped her to create a fun, comical voice that she utilizes in her writing. When she is not writing for work, Laurie puts time into developing novels, poetry, and personal essays. And when she isn't writing she is spending time directing, acting, painting, exploring nature, reading, or spending time with family and her dog, of course.

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