Editor’s Note: We’re so pleased to share this content from our friend, Judy Rae Brooks of Healing Quest TV. Let us tell you a little more about Judy Rae: for decades, she’s been into wellness, integrative health, and spirituality. She’s been one of the “go-to” sources and advisors for so many people, whether through her TV/radio presence, as a writer — you name it. Judy has been waaay ahead of the curve on so many topics that we can’t even begin to count. We think of her as a kind of “pioneer woman,” having earned her wisdom in a hands-on way. And we’re thrilled she’s chosen to share her “Wild Woman Wisdom” with us! She packs a lot into these podcasts, so enjoy.
On this episode of her Healing Quest series, Judy talks to Karen Drucker about dealing with the “critical self,” and how we can use tools like music for healing. ‘Cause isn’t everything immediately better when “your jam” comes on?!
-The NwP Team
Photo by Keith Wako from Pexels
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