
Tiny Steps To Living A Greener Life

The journey to becoming a “greener” person doesn’t have to be a grind. You’ll face the same obstacles everyone does, but it gets easier every time you implement the smallest of steps. Here are some super-easy ways to make your footprint on the planet a little lighter.

Start Composting

Composting uses organic waste to produce nutrient-rich soil that’s perfect for gardening or landscaping. It is a great way to reduce waste, and help the environment by reducing the need for landfill waste disposal. These tips will help you get started.  Even city dwellers can compost and donate it to local gardens. Here’s one resource.

Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator saves energy and will also make you healthier . It will also help you lose weight by keeping you active and motivated.

On that same note, try walking or biking instead of using public transportation.

Ditch Single-use Plastics

Plastic pollution is an unavoidable part of modern life, but there are things you can do to reduce your exposure to it. Start by ditching plastic bags and water bottles. Use a reusable water bottle; at work, carry your lunch in a reusable container. Use beeswax wrap instead of plastic wrap. Get in the habit of bringing reusable bags when shopping.

Power Down Your Appliances/Devices

The United States is one of the most energy-intensive countries in the world. There are power strips that will power down your devices when not in use, saving on those “energy vampires.” Same thinking goes for appliances like vacuum cleaners or toasters; unplug them when not in use.

Ditch Paper Towels for Cloth Napkins and Rags

Paper towels are a convenient way to clean up spills and messes, but it takes 17 trees and 20,000 gallons of water to make one ton of them. Cloth napkins and rags are much more environmentally friendly.

Use Energy-efficient Light Bulbs

Using energy-efficient light bulbs is one of the ways you can start leading a greener life. Energy-efficient bulbs use 25% less energy than traditional bulbs and last up to 10 times longer.

Adopt Root-to-Stem Cooking Techniques

Root-to-stem cooking techniques reduce food waste – which is an enormous problem globally. It’s estimated that 14 percent of food is wasted every year, and that waste releases greenhouse emissions in landfills. Learning how to use as much of each item – skins, tops, and more – is healthier and better for the planet.


Car-pooling is a great way to save on gas, greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce traffic congestion. It can also save you money on parking fees or tolls. If you work or live in an area with inadequate public transportation options, car-pooling can be a great way to get to work or school more efficiently while reducing your carbon footprint.

-Trevor Monteiro

Photo by Skitterphoto (

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I’m a freelance writer who is enthusiastic and passionate about the things I do. I love to write about anything and everything. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. Sometimes when you're young, it's hard to tell what is going to be a passion for your whole life and what will just be a fun hobby for now. But when you're a kid, you don't know any better; all you know is how much you enjoy doing something—and how much it makes you feel good when you do it well. For me, writing has always been like that: something that brought joy into my life, even if it wasn't necessarily lucrative at the time (and sometimes still isn't).

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