Walk With Intention For Wellbeing and Inner Peace
The practice of “walking with intention” combines both exercise and mindfulness. You’ll get twice the health benefits!
The Surprising Benefits of Walking
From stimulating creative ideas to helping a variety of health challenges, simply walking does it all. No surprise it’s been called “a wonder drug.”
But Have You Tried Hiking?
Hiking doesn’t have to be intimidating. Here are some ways to up your “walking” game — and elevate your adventures in nature.
Walking Meditations: Serenity With Each Step
Whether it’s walking for exercise or walking during daily errands, here are helpful ways to incorporate some moments of mindfulness.
Take An “Awe Walk” for A Positive Health Impact
Kick up your stroll by becoming aware of the amazing things around you. Being in “awe” has exceptional benefits for your health and spirit.