Does Your Soul Need Some Attention?
You may tend to your body, but are you giving your soul the same kind of caring attention? Here are some simple ways to feed it.
Sitting Not-So-Pretty: Get Moving!
Studies show that we’re sitting too much these days. There are big health risks, but here are easy ways to combat the habit.
What Are “Blue Zones” and What Can We Learn?
There are several “blue zones” in the world where people enjoy astonishing health and long life. What can we learn from them?
Are You Up for The 12-Hour Walk Challenge?
Committing to unplugging for 12 hours and simply walking during that time can reveal some surprising things about yourself.
Can’t Sit Still? Unconventional Meditation Techniques
In these chaotic times, finding some “quiet” is essential. Not all of us are suited to traditional meditation, so here are some options.