5 Ways to Feel “Spiritual”- Even If You’re Kinda Not
Even if you don’t consider yourself “spiritual,” there are ways to connect with something higher — and benefit from it.
The Tao of the Beatles (In 13 Songs)
No doubt about it, The Beatles and their music influenced plenty. Without really trying, they also gave us some spiritual insights.
Do Something That Scares You Every Day
It could be big or small, but pushing yourself to face a fear each day results in enormous personal growth. Take the challenge!
Creating A Personal Altar (And Why You Should)
Whether you use it to meditate or not, a personal altar is a lovely place to ground yourself during these crazy days.
Spiritual Wisdom in the Time of COVID-19
The spiritual part of our lives has taken on a different role during COVID. A therapist weighs in on some of the most surprising trends.