Start Your Day With Optimism: Four Tricks
Having a little bit of optimism can make a huge difference — not just in the day, but in your life overall. Here are some easy methods.
“Good News” Sites to Lift Your Mood
We’re bombarded 24/7 with news about turmoil and strife. Balance out your digital diet with some uplifting stories and good news.
The World’s Getting Better (Yes, Really)
With all the dark, depressing news flooding our timeline, it’s worth realizing that some things are actually getting better.
Smiling: The Little Way to Make A Big Difference
The simple act of smiling at someone (even behind a mask) has powerful health benefits and does plenty for the recipient.
Bad Vibes Out, Good Vibes In: Smudging 101
Smudging is an age-old tradition that clears negative energy — from fights, illness, or a bad run of luck — and gives your space a reset.