What’s the Buzz On Beeswax Wraps?
An eco-friendly alternative to plastic wrap is beeswax wrap. Here’s the breakdown on this trendy new kitchen helper.
Cool New Trends In Sustainability
From mushrooms to algae, entrepreneurs are developing eco-friendly ways to create alternatives to plastics and other materials. Check out these trends!
How to Make Your Picnic Plastic-Free
Summer picnics are a pleasure. Make them even better with these steps to cut down on the plastic waste that often gets packed in the basket.
Zero-Waste Stores: A Sustainable Way to Shop
New zero-waste stores allow you to shop for almost everything you need, and keep unnecessary plastics, etc. out of landfills.
Refill Stores: A New Kind of Sustainable Shopping
The latest trend in sustainability are stores that let you “refill” things like soap, body lotions and more — all in your own containers.