Take A Few Deep Breaths…Literally
We breathe automatically. But the ancient practice of “pranayama” can turn this reflex into a healing tool. Here are simple ways to start.
You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup: 8 Self-Care Ideas
A “Self-Care Day” (or even a few hours) may seem indulgent. However, the payoff in better physical and mental health is priceless.
Can We Still Depend On The Kindness of Strangers?
Wearing masks has made it a bit tougher to connect with others, but the natural inclination to help is still there. Some great stories.
Jigsaw Puzzles: “Burpees” for Your Brain
Jigsaw puzzles have been around since th 18th century — but science is learning that this pasttime has 21st century health benefits.
BYOC: Bring Your Own Coffee Cup
Think ahead on your next coffee run. When you bring your own cup or sign up for a “refill rebate,” everybody wins. Especially the environment.