Wild Woman Wisdom: If You’re Your Own Worst Critic, Here’s A Tip…
Our latest from Judy Rae and her “wild wisdom” looks at how we can be our own worst critic. But music is an effective tool for changing that.
Is This the Perfect Winter Pandemic “Comfort Music”?
Music has proven to be healing during these tough days. But this piece from the 16th century may top anything on your playlist for “comfort.”
Why Is Music Good for Your Brain?
Music can make you get up and dance. But studies show that your favorite tunes are great for brain health. Learn more.
Vinyl Is Back: A Meditation On Why That Is
There was a time when listening to music was more than just earbuds. A vinyl record comeback reflects the return to the full experience.
“Chill Music” Makes A Comeback
What once was a 90s trend is on the rise again. “Chill music” is proving helpful as we navigate some stressful times. You can find it in surprising places.