Master the Art of “Creative Puttering”
For some of us, doing little tasks around our home may have the same benefits as meditation. Learn more about “puttering.”
Small Changes That Make a Big Difference
From eco-friendly skin routines to tidying a closet, these small changes can have a big, positive impact on your daily life.
How to Build Your Spiritual Link to Nature
We spend 93% of our time indoors these days. Even a little time in Nature can increase your health — and connection to something deeper.
I Used A Meditation App for 7 Days. Here’s What Happened
There are a whole lot of new ways to help ease your way into the healthy practice of meditation. We did a week-long road test of one helpful app.
How Mindfulness Keeps Older Athletes On Their Game
Phil Mickelson’s historic golf win at 50 put the spotlight on how mindfulness and meditation are helping older athletes stay competitive.