Kiyomeru: High-Minded Housework, Japanese Style
The key to inner happiness is…a tidy home. With “kiyomeru,” your daily dishwashing, vacuuming, or other chores become a meditation!
Can’t Sit Still? Unconventional Meditation Techniques
In these chaotic times, finding some “quiet” is essential. Not all of us are suited to traditional meditation, so here are some options.
Walk With Intention For Wellbeing and Inner Peace
The practice of “walking with intention” combines both exercise and mindfulness. You’ll get twice the health benefits!
8 Self-Love Habits You Should Do First Thing In the Morning
Set your day up right by taking a few quick minutes to focus on the things that matter. Everything will flow beautifully after that.
Don’t Know Your “Purpose”? That’s OK.
If you’re frustrated that you have yet to find your “Life’s Purpose,” you’re asking the wrong questions. Some tips.