The Power In Finding Your “Flow State”
“Flow” is also called “being in the zone.” Learning how to access it can make even the hardest task an actual pleasure.
A Better Way to Start Your Day
Greeting the day with more awareness can set you up for some amazing things. Get inspired by this ancient Hawaiian ritual.
5 Mindful Resolutions for the New Year
For many of us, resolutions are part of every New Year. This time, try a different approach, one that will help you live a better life.
5 Inspiring Meditation Teachers to Follow On Instagram
A little mindfulness and peace of mind is just a tap away. These 5 leading teachers will help you keep your day on track.
Folks, Let’s Talk About “Lazy Living”
Every day, there are more instant conveniences. From deliveries to on-demand, how much of “real” life is being taken over by lazy living?