Take An “Awe Walk” for A Positive Health Impact
Kick up your stroll by becoming aware of the amazing things around you. Being in “awe” has exceptional benefits for your health and spirit.
Kundalini Yoga: What Is It (and Is It For You)?
Kundalini yoga offers distinct benefits over more “bend-y” types of yoga. That makes it an option for newbies who want to start a practice.
Act Like…Everyone Is Watching
There’s a saying to “act like no one is watching.” We make the case for acting like those you most respect ARE watching at key moments.
A Wardrobe for Wellbeing: Slowing “Fast Fashion”
Those cheap clothes may give you a quick “fashion fix” — but there’s a bigger price to pay. Here are smarter ways to upgrade your closet.
Now Is the Time for “Beginner’s Mind”
With everything going on in the world at the moment, it’s getting harder to “know it all.” Enter the helpful practice of “Beginner’s Mind.”