9 Bad Habits That Are Signs of Anxiety
You may not think you’re experiencing anxiety, but certain behaviors say otherwise. Check out our list, and how to counteract them.
The Therapeutic Benefit of Planting
Having a little garden doesn’t just provide herbs or veggies. Science shows its great for fitness and mental health. So get “growing”!
“Good News” Sites to Lift Your Mood
We’re bombarded 24/7 with news about turmoil and strife. Balance out your digital diet with some uplifting stories and good news.
5 Ways to Find “Gratitude” (Even When You Can’t)
Practicing “gratitude” has been shown to have real benefits — emotional, physical, and more. Finding it sometimes can be hard. Some tips.
Not for The Birds: Let Birdsong Boost Your Mood
Listening to birdsong has some unexpected benefits. Whether recorded or in the wild, out feathered friends are here to help.