Hobbies To Battle Anxiety and Stress
Your favorite hobby isn’t just a fun pastime; research shows it can be a powerful antidote to chronic anxiety and stress. Here’s why.
Practical Ways to Stop Negative Thoughts
You don’t realize the amount of negative thoughts that flood your mind each day. Here are practical tips to stop the destructive cycle.
9 Bad Habits That Are Signs of Anxiety
You may not think you’re experiencing anxiety, but certain behaviors say otherwise. Check out our list, and how to counteract them.
5 Ways to Find “Gratitude” (Even When You Can’t)
Practicing “gratitude” has been shown to have real benefits — emotional, physical, and more. Finding it sometimes can be hard. Some tips.
Slowing Down: A Mindfulness Starter Pack
The practice of “mindfulness” has benefits beyond mental well-being. It doesn’t have to be complicated: our “starter pack” offers great tips and apps.