Jin Shin Do: Acupuncture Without the Needles
Jin Shin Do heals by activating pressure points in the body. It has the same benefits as acupuncture, but is perfect for the needle-phobic.
From “Trash” to Treasure: A Fish Story
Once upon a time, lobster and halibut were considered unsuitable for a respectable dinner plate. The evolution of “trash fish” continues.
You May Never Look at Paper Tubes the Same Way Again
That empty paper tube has more uses than you’d think. Meet prize-winning architect Ban Shigeru who’s turning them into refugee shelters.
Kiyomeru: High-Minded Housework, Japanese Style
The key to inner happiness is…a tidy home. With “kiyomeru,” your daily dishwashing, vacuuming, or other chores become a meditation!
The ABCs of the Tabata Workout
“Tabata” is a short, intense workout that’s gaining more fans each day. Here’s an introduction to the basics.