“Manifesting”: How It Works (and How It Doesn’t)
The term “manifesting” can sound pretty woo-woo. But there’s actual science involved. Here are some real-world tips for getting what you want.
“Monthly” New Year’s Resolutions
There’s a better, more effective way to make New Year’s resolutions stick: use each month as the chance to get closer to your goal.
The Power In Finding Your “Flow State”
“Flow” is also called “being in the zone.” Learning how to access it can make even the hardest task an actual pleasure.
A Better Way to Start Your Day
Greeting the day with more awareness can set you up for some amazing things. Get inspired by this ancient Hawaiian ritual.
The Burning Bowl Ceremony: Out with The Old…
The burning bowl ceremony is an ancient tradition that helps you clear away ideas, fears, and habits that are holding you back. Here’s how.