Plogging: The Eco-Friendly Fitness Trend
Combine a daily run with some litter picking, and you’ve got “plogging.” It’s a hot trend that helps you and the planet.
How to Make Your Picnic Plastic-Free
Summer picnics are a pleasure. Make them even better with these steps to cut down on the plastic waste that often gets packed in the basket.
Redefining How You See “Exercise”
Too often, “exercise” seems like a chore. Here’s how to shift your thinking and get back to where it should be: fun.
The Power In Finding Your “Flow State”
“Flow” is also called “being in the zone.” Learning how to access it can make even the hardest task an actual pleasure.
Taoism Today: An Ancient Practice for A Modern World
With a basis in harmony, flow, balance, the ancient rules of Taoism are a perfect addition to our busy lives. Here are the basics.