Redefining How You See “Exercise”
Too often, “exercise” seems like a chore. Here’s how to shift your thinking and get back to where it should be: fun.
The Benefits of Activated Charcoal
No, it’s not the charcoal you use on the grill. Activated charcoal has proven to have many health benefits, both inside and out.
The Vital Power of Human Connection
We’ve all gotten a little skittish about interacting normally, but it’s imperative to connect with others. Here are safe ways to do it.
The Push-Up: This Fitness Basic Is Having A Moment
It was the first exercise we learned in school, and it’s remained a staple from gyms to the military. Why is it so darned good for us?
A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting
You’ve likely heard about it, but it’s really not that draconian. We break down the basics so you can enjoy the varied health benefits of IF.