Bitters: They’re Not Just for Cocktails
We’ve become accustomed to bitters as a cocktail ingredient. But for centuries, they’ve been used to improve health in myriad ways.
Home Decor with a Purpose: Feng Shui 101
Feng Shui gives living spaces — and those who occupy them — a boost of health, happiness and prosperity, Start here to learn the basics.
A Whole New Way of Breathing Better
It’s an automatic reflex — but consciously paying attention to your breath can significantly improve everything from sleep to digestion.
7 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality
We spend a lot of time in our home, an office, or in a car. Which means the air quality may not be great. Here are ways to clean it up.
Sitting Not-So-Pretty: Get Moving!
Studies show that we’re sitting too much these days. There are big health risks, but here are easy ways to combat the habit.