A Practical Guide to Living By the Moon
Our ancestors were well aware of the influence of the moon phases in making certain plans/decisions. What can we learn in the 21st century?
The Science Behind Spirituality
There are certain “laws” in the spiritual arena that are grounded in real science. Once you get a better understanding, your practice can really take off.
A Different Kind of Tool to Help Your Pet
Crystals have been used for thousands of years for various forms of healing. These simple stones can also help your pets get in balance.
Manage Your Energy (Not Just Your Time)
Put down that time management app. Managing your unique, personal energy cycles will get you a lot farther in your day.
Barefooting: The Benefits of Earthing
We’re inundated with so much “negative” electrical energy these days, no wonder we’re frazzled. A simple technique can offset those willies.