Waking Up to The Power of Lucid Dreaming
Your dreams are a powerful tool for “working out” problems, phobias and other things you deal with in waking life. Learn about lucid dreaming.
Does Your Soul Need Some Attention?
You may tend to your body, but are you giving your soul the same kind of caring attention? Here are some simple ways to feed it.
How to Make A Vision Board and Reach Your Goal(s)
A vision board is a simple, fun way to focus on a goal you’d like to achieve. The visual elements help draw that goal to you.
The Return of Intuition (and How to Use Yours)
Intuition is natural to all of us. Times like these, it’s becoming a helpful tool for navigating change. Some easy tips to harness your own ability.
Dream Incubation: Problem-Solving In Your Sleep
From Van Gogh to Paul McCartney, dreams have been a source of inspiration. But they can also help you solve a problem that’s keeping you up.