The Science Behind “Fake It ‘Til You Make It”
You’ve heard the expression, “fake it ’til you make it.” Turns out, there are some cutting-edge scientific principles as to why it can work.
Hiking: A Great Rx for Mental Health
Hiking in nature isn’t just good for your muscles — it’s great for your mind. Research shows some surprising benefits for mental health.
The Gut-Brain Axis Connection
Everything from depression to eating disorders may stem from an imbalance in your gut. Learn how to find the balance between brain and belly.
Depression — And Some Helpful Ways to Deal With It
Depression and anxiety are at record levels. While professional help is always a good idea, here are some things you can do right now.
Depression and Metaphysics: What Helps? What Hurts?
These days, people are finding that adding modern spirituality into their prescription for healing can help their path to recovery.