Hobbies To Battle Anxiety and Stress
Your favorite hobby isn’t just a fun pastime; research shows it can be a powerful antidote to chronic anxiety and stress. Here’s why.
Music: The Key to A Better Brain
Music isn’t just a wonderful backdrop to our life, it has proven therapeutic effects for people dealing with brain issues.
What Social Media Does To Your Brain
Social media is here to stay, but there are better ways to “consume” it. Check out these ideas; your brain will thank you.
Hit The Road: How Travel Helps Depression
Travel — either a two-week trek or a short weekend jaunt — isn’t just for your Insta feed. It’s great for your mental health.
Breakfast Is Still the Most Important Meal. Here’s Why.
There are very good reasons for you to “break your fast” with more than a cup of coffee. And they don’t have to be complicated.