Slowing Down: A Mindfulness Starter Pack
The practice of “mindfulness” has benefits beyond mental well-being. It doesn’t have to be complicated: our “starter pack” offers great tips and apps.
5 Inspiring Meditation Teachers to Follow On Instagram
A little mindfulness and peace of mind is just a tap away. These 5 leading teachers will help you keep your day on track.
Difficult Decision? There’s An App for That
If you’re going back and forth over a tough decision, these apps can help clarify your options. Just download…and problem solved!
Why A Social Media “Detox” Will Do You Good
Most of us are addicted to our apps. These tips will help you to step away and re-engage with a healthier way of life.
Slowing Down In A “Fast Fashion” World
“Fast Fashion” may let you wear the latest trends for less money, but it has serious impacts on our planet. Here’s how to sidestep it.