
Reboot After A Hectic Day: 6 Tips

We all experience times when more than the usual is going on — deadlines, studying for exams, completing projects, you name it. All these activities can affect your stress levels and negatively impact your health. However, there are practical ways to relax and recuperate after a hectic day. Here are six tips.


Exercise releases endorphins that reduce stress and make you feel good. Going to the gym or even taking a walk will help nourish your mind after a hectic day. Whether you engage in light exercise or a full workout, stretching your muscles will help ease the tension. Of course, after a long day, you might not be in the mood. Thankfully, apps like Strava, MyFitnessPal, Freeletics, Runkeeper, and Fiit can help get you motivated even if all you want to do is crash on the sofa.


During the workday, you probably continuously stare at a screen. Give your eyes a break and try meditating for about 10-20 minutes. It relaxes your body and nourishes your over-busy mind. The Calm app is a great way to get started.

Add a little bit of yoga if you’d like. Great yoga apps for all levels include YogaWorks, The Underbelly App, Asana Rebel, and Alo Moves.

Express Your Emotions

In a professional environment, you must keep your emotions in check.  However, when at home, these rules don’t apply. Let out all the feelings you accumulated during the day:  sing, laugh, scream, cry, or do anything else to help you feel better. Throwing a few imaginary punches –either at the gym or just in the house –is another great way to blow off steam.

Expressing your emotions will go a long way in helping you feel better after a stressful or busier-than-normal day.

Practice Deep Breathing

Deepening and slowing down your breathing can dramatically reduce stress. Consider breathing exercises if you feel burned out after work. This will help you set a stress-free tone for the rest of your evening.

Enjoy Some Music

Listening to soothing music will help restore you after a long day. Choose your favorite songs, and maybe even make different playlists for different moods. Music therapy is a long-proven way to improve your mood.

Take a Shower

A hot shower will relax your muscles and ease tension. If you’re not a shower person, you can achieve the same results by drawing yourself a bath. Add a few drops of essential oil, like thyme or lavender to the bathwater. And maybe up the vibe by lighting a few candles around the tub.

Having a hectic day is inevitable, but letting it ruin your evening doesn’t have to be.

-Thiel Brook

Photo: Unsplash

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Thiel Brook accidentally became a writer when he sought some extra cash in college, and this happy accident has shaped his life in ways he couldn't imagine. He may have a slight obsession with potted plants, but he’s mostly a normal guy. He prefers writing to speaking. When he is not wrist-deep in a pot with dirt on his hands, he spends most of his time writing professionally and working on personal projects. He’s an avid soccer fan and a novice Ages of Empire player.

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