Might As Well Jump: The Benefits of A Trampoline
Remember how much fun trampolines were? For grownups, they offer a low-impact workout good for so many aspects of health.
What Can A Ballet Dancer Teach You?
You may have two left feet, but the life of a ballet dancer offers valuable Life Lessons. How can they help you take “center stage”?
5 Mindful Resolutions for the New Year
For many of us, resolutions are part of every New Year. This time, try a different approach, one that will help you live a better life.
5 Ways to Create an Abundance Mindset
Having more than enough isn’t in the state of your bank account; it starts with your state of mind. Here are simple ways to adjust it.
How to Make A Vision Board and Reach Your Goal(s)
A vision board is a simple, fun way to focus on a goal you’d like to achieve. The visual elements help draw that goal to you.