
Difficult Decision? There’s An App for That

These days, there are apps for practically everything. You name it, from playing games to sending payments and it’s likely to be available for download. Even when it comes to some help making a simple (or difficult) decision, there are apps around to help ease a little stress off the brain. Or, just to try out for some fun.

For example, Pollsify (Android, iOS) allows you to create polls as well as give your opinion. It’s one of the simplest apps to create a poll and share it with your friends, or with the public at large to get opinions. Users can create both public and private polls, which are automatically tallied. In each poll, you get to ask a question and attach a GIF or an image, take a photo, or pin a location and polls can be two types: emojis or multiple-choice text. As you wait for poll results, you can check out the Pollsify feed to see questions others have posed for the general user base. Tap along to give your opinion. It should be noted that there isn’t a comments box to get more input from participants.

The following are just a few other apps you may find helpful for your everyday use or even just periodically.

Random Decision Maker (Android) / Tiny Decisions (iOS)

Like the name suggests, this tool is designed to help take the pressure off of decision-making. Think “coin toss” when it comes to choosing between a restaurant or outfit to wear. You can input options to make your own wheel, generate random numbers, and a number of other tools to let Chance decide your fate.

Protagonist: Decision Making (iOS)

All protagonists need a little help, right? A little nudge, a push or downright shove. This app resembles a project management tool, and it was clearly made with complex decisions in mind (e.g., hiring an employee or buying a car). Users are allowed enter different tiers of criteria and then assure each factor is given proper weight by visualizing it. The visualization is by far the best feature, as it helps you clarify and assign priority when you’re juggling a slew of different factors in one decision. Another great asset is that you can share and loop others into your process.

Pros & Cons (Android) / Pros-Cons (iOS)

Forget pulling out a pen and pad to jot down the pros and cons the old-fashioned way. These are simple, straightforward tools to weigh decisions. You can assign a number value to different upsides and downsides, so that the apps can help you visualize whether or not the pros are beating out the cons. The app is created to help users make thoughtful and balanced decisions. All you need to do is write down a question-dilemma, add the pros and cons, and get the result accurate to a percentage. Each argument is assigned a level of importance, which allows the calculations to be as accurate as possible.

Voila! No more wondering.

-Sharon Oliver

Photo by Mateusz Dach,

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