
5 Random Acts of Kindness That Are Super-Easy

These days, we all need to be a little kinder to counteract COVID-induced frustration and anger. We have no idea how much a simple gesture on our part can mean to someone. Here are five suggestions for easily spreading some joy.

Tell Their Boss. Tell Everybody

Most of us will take the time to speak to a supervisor when we experience terrible customer service. That’s understandable.

But how many of us take the time to tell a manager about a great experience?

The next time a customer service representative goes out of their way to deliver outstanding assistance, go out of your way to let their manager know how helpful and wonderful their rep was.

When a manager hears that a customer wants to speak to them, they usually brace themselves for a litany of complaints. When they find out you just wanted to tell them that their rep did an excellent job, it’ll blow their mind.

In addition, you can give a boost to a small local business you love by writing a great online review about them.

Be a Good Elf When Nobody’s Looking

Keep your eyes open, and you’ll see many opportunities to secretly be helpful and kind.

If you live in an area where winters mean freezing temperatures and plenty of snow, you know all about the chore of digging your car out after a heavy snowstorm.

Since you’re already tending to your car, why not take some extra time and dig your neighbor’s car out, too? You better believe they’ll be thrilled when they go outside and see what “somebody” did for them.

For those of you in warmer climates, there are still other ways to be a good elf:

  • Leave a friendly (unsigned) card or note on your neighbor’s door to let them know they’re appreciated.
  • Secretly leave some flowers on your neighbor’s doorstep to brighten their day.
  • Rake your neighbor’s leaves while they’re away. They’ll never know who helped them out, but they’ll be grateful for the assistance.

Related: “7 Ways to Help Your Neighbors During COVID”

Donate Your Old Glasses

Eyeglass wearers have a unique opportunity to make a real difference in someone’s life.

Donate your old eyeglasses to charity or to local optical shops for distribution to those in need.

Millions of people around the world without accessible eye care could receive the precious gift of sight simply by having a pair of glasses to wear.

Volunteer at a Nursing Home

Brighten up the day for the residents of a nursing home. Speak to someone in charge and ask how you can be of assistance. Can you sing or play a musical instrument? Can you read aloud to residents? Run a bingo game? There are so many ways of using your gifts and talents to make the day better for others.

Be Kind to Animals

While we’re practicing kindness, please don’t forget our animal friends that need help.

  • Organize a bake sale to benefit your local animal shelter.
  • Get involved in the fight to end cruelty to animals.
  • Foster cats or dogs until they find their forever home.

Aside from the much-needed good that you’ll be doing in the world, one of the best reasons for practicing random acts of kindness is purely selfish. It just feels great to get your mind off your own troubles and bring joy to others!

Helpful Takeaways

-Tell others when somebody does their job with excellence.

-Be a good neighbor; do something helpful or unexpected for them.

-Donate that old pair of glasses that you never wear anymore.

-Cheer up nursing home residents by reading to them or running a bingo game.

-Be kind to animals by donating your time, money, or talents.

-Gina Crisci

Photo by Mei-Ling Mirow on Unsplash

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1 comment on “5 Random Acts of Kindness That Are Super-Easy

  1. Easier to make positive comments than to criticize. Try it!

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