Great Ways to Help Your Local Animal Shelter
Local animal shelters or rescue operations rely on the community to help them keep doing their good work. Here are are great ways to assist.
Heavy Petting: Therapeutic Touch for Companion Animals
Take the “petting” of your pup or kitty up a notch or three with these techniques. They’re good for calming, healing and other issues.
Farm-to-Table: Trendy Turns Trendier
“Farm-to-table” isn’t just delicious. The idea of using only local, seasonal foods has impacts far beyond the dinner plate.
Jin Shin Do: Acupuncture Without the Needles
Jin Shin Do heals by activating pressure points in the body. It has the same benefits as acupuncture, but is perfect for the needle-phobic.
“Manifesting”: How It Works (and How It Doesn’t)
The term “manifesting” can sound pretty woo-woo. But there’s actual science involved. Here are some real-world tips for getting what you want.