10 Teas to Ease Anxiety and Depression
The simple, mindful act of brewing up one of these herbal teas will have a big impact on sleeplessness, anxiety, and gloomy moods.
Hindu Purusharthas: Finding Purpose As A Human Being
Finding our purpose in life is a long quest. But these fundamental Hindu beliefs can lay the groundwork and make it a bit easier.
Helping Someone With Dementia
When someone you love suffers from dementia, the challenges are numerous. These first-hand tips can make the process easier for all.
Shipping Container Homes Are In Vogue
Those ugly shipping containers are getting a new life as an eco-friendly housing choice. You’d be surprised at the makeovers!
Soft Living: What It Is, How to Do It
“Soft living” is the new trend. It means finding smart ways to remove some stressors and put your needs first. Here’s how.