Walk With Intention For Wellbeing and Inner Peace
The practice of “walking with intention” combines both exercise and mindfulness. You’ll get twice the health benefits!
Depression — And Some Helpful Ways to Deal With It
Depression and anxiety are at record levels. While professional help is always a good idea, here are some things you can do right now.
Are Your Chakras Out of Whack? How to Balance ‘Em
Chakras are energy centers that impact our physical and mental health. Here’s a simple way to see if they need a tune-up.
The Vital Power of Human Connection
We’ve all gotten a little skittish about interacting normally, but it’s imperative to connect with others. Here are safe ways to do it.
Cool Trends in Sustainable Homes (Is One In Your Future?)
Home-building trends include using strawbales, old tires, shipping containers and more — and they’re surprisingly stylish.