Good Vibrations: Sound Baths for Better Health
Sound is powerful medicine. From uplifting music to Tibetan singing bowls, the right sounds can make you healthier on a cellular level.
Composting 101: A Guide for The Newbie Gardener
Composting is a great way to “recycle” food scraps and more — and boost the soil. You don’t need a huge space, either. Here’s a simple “how to.”
Why You Should Consider a Life Coach
“Life Coaching” is a viable way to help you achieve your goals. How does it differ from therapy and is it for you? We’ve got the details.
How to Make A Vision Board and Reach Your Goal(s)
A vision board is a simple, fun way to focus on a goal you’d like to achieve. The visual elements help draw that goal to you.
Enough’s Enough: The Art of Contentment
In a world where we’re constantly pursuing “more,” there’s a lot to be said for just being content right now. Here’s how to find it.